Trailblazer Award
Past Recipients
2015 Recipient: Ronald W. Makarem, Esq.
General Information
The Trailblazer Award recognizes the outstanding achievements, commitment, and leadership of lawyers who have paved the way for the advancement of other Arab American attorneys. Trailblazers have demonstrated vision, courage, and tenacity in their practice.
Selection Criteria and Required Material
The award recipient will be selected based on lifetime achievements, commitment, and leadership that have paved the way for the advancement of Arab American attorneys in Southern California. Of particular importance are those accomplishments that broke a barrier or resulted in attaining a goal not yet previously attained by an Arab American, including diversity and inclusion achievements in various practice areas (e.g., law firm, in- house, judge, civil rights, community organization, public sector, legal education). Prior involvement with AALASC is preferred, but not required. To apply or to recommend someone for this award, please provide a brief written statement detailing the nominee's lifetime achievements that have paved the way for the advancement of Arab American attorneys in Southern California. Please also attach a current resume or company bio of the nominee. One or more letters of support is optional.
Submission Details
Deadline: Not open to submissions at this time.